Sunday, November 11, 2012

a new week, a new scheme... lose a couple of the 60 extra pounds i'm hauling around on my doughy carcass every day.

so this week is the week of green smoothies. i will be enjoying a smoothie for breakfast and dinner every day with lunches of fruits and vegetables and possibly some of every dieter's staple: tuna. i know, i know, it's disgusting and only like half a step from spam, but don't judge me.

here's today's smoothie. i found the recipe on the internet. i don't remember where. oh yeah, it was here: (sorry, i don't know how to make the hyperlink work and i've just wasted a lot of time and i'm already late). i used fage yogurt (pronounced FAH-yeh, not FAGGY like jeremy keeps insisting on saying it!) and i also used 'crazy richard's peanut butter'. they are totally nuts. no really, they actually only use nuts to make peanut butter. no oil or sugar or salt or anything, they just smash the hell out of some peanuts and throw it in a jar. anyway, this thing has a ton of protein in it from the yogurt (about 10 grams in the 1/2 cup i used in my smoothie) and the PB (8 grams for 1 TB), so hopefully this slightly ridiculous diet plan will go better than my GM fast from 2 weeks ago.

for lunch i am taking leftovers from last night (white rice and bean curd and vegetables) and a pear. i am working today, Sunday, because I, missy hancock, am a sad sad person.

proof of how lame i am that i am inexplicably compelled to post on the internet: this is my game face from last night when i challenged jeremy to a typing duel (there is this game called z-type, it is incredibly addicting,, you should play now! ps, i had one of those moments of clear realization that i truly did marry my one soulmate when his response to my saying, "i challenge you to a typing duel" was "ok, cool!") anyway, jeremy kept cackling at me while i was typing and eventually took pictures to show how emotionless i become while trying to type super fast. turns out though, my fastest was only 60.4 wpm, which is disappointing, but i consoled myself with the thought that perhaps if the words weren't moving i could do faster. anyway, SAD.

well, off i go to work on a sunday! i'll be back later with my evening smoothie, i'm sure it will rock you to the core.

PS, i really want to buy this dress to wear to jeremy's apprentice school christmas time dance thingie:

- someone talk me down!

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