Monday, January 20, 2014

...and we're back

back to blogging, for now anyway! greetings and salutations to my apparently mostly indian followers. hello from the US where everyone walks upside down and eats hamburgers 3 times a day. in my absence from Blogger, something rather noteworthy (in my opinion) has occurred.

we made a baby! i'm 28 weeks along with 12 to go and i'm very much looking forward to meeting my little meat nugget.

as a result, i'm going to start being more careful about my food selections and i will also be trying to 'unfuck my habitat', as the tumblr author so delicately puts it. i made myself a weekly chore list. today was clean the downstairs bathroom and tidy up the living room. i did both things, admittedly somewhat halfheartedly. for breakfast today, i made some trader joe's multigrain hot cereal. i cooked it in light coconut milk and it came out pretty tasty. i topped it with half a banana, two chopped up prunes and some honey. i am satisfied with the overall result. no pictures today because the camera battery isn't charged and in order to charge it i'd have to like .. walk down the stairs and put the battery in the charger. *exhaustion*