Monday, December 24, 2012

good people of internet

attention, good people of internet:

i want to apologize for my lack of presence here. i know that my posts gave you all a reason to get out of bed each morning.

but now i have disappeared into the dark corners of the internet, posting nary a hilarious anecdote or adorable cat picture.


i would like to say that things will be different in the new year, but that would be a big fat lie. they are anticipating our workplace insanity to continue at least a couple more months which means that my absence will continue to plague you.

here is some of the missy life that you have missed lately:

i am considering taking a bartending course at The Academy of Bartending ( i thought it would be a smart investment. Once the work craziness calms down and i'm not working 10 hour days + weekends, we might be a little poor. so i thought i could tend bar on the weekends/sometimes during the week for some extra scrilla. who thinks this is a horrible idea?

here is a picture of a kitty. this is anya. she has gotten very big since august when we adopted her. she has gotten no less effing psychotic though. you should have seen her when i first put that shirt on. z0mg it was hilarious/terrifying. hilarious because she was flailing around like a spaz and terrifying because claws and teeth. but then she realized that shirt = warm so i'm pretty sure she has reconciled with it now. also i know that's not a great picture but YOU TRY PHOTOGRAPHING THE EFFING TASMANIAN DEVIL. she does not stop moving. ever.

in other news, jeremy just took the shirt off of anya because he is going to flea bomb the house today because i no longer have skin, just shreds of what used to be skin + swollen itchy pustules. meanwhile jeremy has not sustained a single flea bite. anyway he is going to save me from certain death by bombing the place. my initial idea was to set the house on fire (have to give CFP credit for that idea) but it seemed expensive.

ok i am off to work on christmas eve! hugs and kisses!